
Every face tells a story, and the eyes are truly the windows to the soul. We each carry our unique narratives and perspectives on life, which is something truly splendid. I love that no matter whom you encounter, everyone has their own tale to tell and experiences to share. This diversity enriches who we are, adding layers of depth and beauty to our collective human experience. It's a remarkable reminder of the richness that individual stories contribute to the tapestry of life.



Featured image: David in the Studio

Australian film director, David Denneen

In his Sydney art studio, award-winning film director David Denneen is caught in a moment of reflection, contemplating the past and its influence on his artistic creation after losing someone close. This introspective scene, captured in late 2019, went on to win the TAFE N.S.W Portrait Photography Award for the year, an accolade I hold with great pride. Choosing black and white for this image was deliberate; it strips away the distractions of colour, revealing a deeper emotional resonance and meaning, and allowing the viewer to connect more intimately with the subject's contemplative state.



Featured image: Loving the Water

Australian auther, Annabet Ousback

Annabet Ousback's childhood by the charming Balmoral Beach boatshed in the 1950s was a contrast to her complex family life. Raised with a blend of Swedish heritage and disciplined upbringing, she blossomed into a resilient spirit with a passion for travel. Alongside her husband, Annabet has explored the world, including an awe-inspiring Alaskan adventure, showcasing her enduring zest for life. It was a privilege to capture this testament to her vibrant spirit on one of their journeys.