5 Essential Design Tips

Introduction: In the fast-paced design world, efficiency is as crucial as creativity. Whether you're a seasoned designer or starting, refining your workflow is vital to staying productive and inspired. Today, I want to share five quick design tips that have significantly streamlined my creative process.

1. Use Keyboard Shortcuts: Learning keyboard shortcuts can drastically reduce your design time. Most design software, like Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, or Sketch, offers a wide range of shortcuts to make your workflow smoother and faster. Spend some time memorizing these shortcuts, and you'll notice a decrease in the time it takes to complete your projects.

2. Keep a Swipe File: A swipe file is a collection of inspiring designs, layouts, copywriting examples, or anything else you find creatively stimulating. Whenever you're stuck, glancing at your swipe file can provide the jumpstart your brain needs. Tools like Pinterest or a simple folder on your computer can serve as great repositories.

3. Embrace Templates: For repetitive project types, templates are lifesavers. Whether it's social media graphics, blog layouts, or email newsletters, setting up templates can save you a ton of time in the long run. Once you have a design you like, save it as a template and customize it for future projects.

4. Regularly Update Your Software and Plugins: Keeping your software and plugins updated can seem like a chore, but doing so can offer new features that improve efficiency and compatibility. Additionally, updates often fix bugs that might be slowing down your software.

5. Set Time Limits: Setting a time limit for each task can help you stay focused and efficient. Use techniques like the Pomodoro Technique, where you work for 25 minutes and then take a 5-minute break. This method helps manage time and keep your mind fresh and productive.

Conclusion: Efficiency in design doesn't mean cutting corners—it's about optimizing your creative process to spend more time innovating and dealing with repetitive tasks less. Implement these tips into your workflow and watch your productivity soar!

Jackson Denneen

I am Jackson Denneen, a seasoned professional in web and graphic design with a profound passion for photography. Rooted in a family heritage of artistic excellence, my journey began under the influence of my father, a commercial video editor and photographer, and my grandfather, a renowned film director. Their artistic prowess instilled in me a deep appreciation for visual storytelling and design.

My foray into digital design was marked by the creation of 'The Photographers Eye' during my high school years, a magazine project that not only honed my skills but ignited my love for digital design. This experience paved the way for my academic pursuits at TAFE, where I excelled in photography and digital media courses, earning the portrait photography award.

Beyond academic accolades, my education encompassed comprehensive training in web and graphic design, mastering HTML, CSS, and Java. I developed a keen understanding of design aesthetics, including color psychology and typography, equipping me with the skills to create visually compelling and user-friendly websites.

My portfolio showcases a range of projects, including acclaimed websites for DeBoutique and Evert Jewelry, distinguished for their intuitive and attractive designs. Based in Port Douglas, Australia, I am deeply involved in the community, contributing to local activities and initiatives.

Looking ahead, I am committed to leveraging my expertise in photography and digital design to deliver exceptional web and graphic design solutions. My goal is to help clients create impactful online presences that resonate with their audiences, drawing on my global travel experiences and exposure to diverse cultures for inspiration.

Embarking on each project as a new adventure, I am dedicated to exploring innovative design approaches and sharing the world's beauty through my work, while assisting others in achieving their digital aspirations.


Designing in Port Douglas